- Cameron Crowe Ouevre -

Cameron Crowe movies are a delight and the resume of the director trawls the potted and often potty landscape of modern day relationships with fun, wicked and somewhat acerbic wit and loads of entertainment. Vanilla Sky (B+) is the latest of his movies, his second with Tom Cruise. It is a tad too tense and dense for light viewing, but is recommended nonetheless. However it is a dip in form after Almost Famous (A) which had a star-making turn by Kate Hudson, amazing music and a heart. Jerry Macguire (A-), the other Crowe-Cruise movie was clearly excellent, but it is Singles (A) with Matt Dillon, Bridget Fonda which is a lost gem and document of superlative Seattle grunge scene captured on film (everything which the lame Reality Bites (B) was not). Besides making brilliant movies, Crowe is a kindred spirit (I maintain), and gets a special nod for marrying Nanci Wilson from Heart (I too wanted to), writing super music (I try to) and having brilliant taste in music (I do too). Plus he is kool enough to have been a Rollingstone columnist in teens.

Love shmove, if none of the above then suit your taste there is always Tobe Hooper's legendary THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (A) for blood guts and gore