I played with words (a jealous mistress)




I played with words

While the game was lost

I counted my winnings

Not what they cost


Slowly coming undone

Slowly coming undone


My soul was sold

Yet I grew so bold

I made a point

As you went cold


Slowly coming undone

Slowly coming undone


I was there for you/ but never there

I cared for you/ but was never near

I wept for you/ but the tears were dry

When you upped and left me/ I let you

I said goodbye


Slowly coming undone

Slowly coming undone



This stupid pride

Each time IÕve lied

Each time you cried

I died a little bit inside

But I smiled.

This stupid pride

I could not hide


Slowly coming undone

Slowly coming undone


There was no time
Yet it was

Just a matter of time

No reason or rhyme

Work was important

I lost sight of what mattered


Slowly coming undone

Slowly coming undone