My love


Show me my love/ every night

Touch me tenderly / just right

Heighten my senses / delight

Love me / till morning’s bright light


I used to wonder/ we used to talk

Talk we thought/ was only talk

I used to ask you/ and u used to sigh

Not knowing/ what’s in your mind

You used words/ or u would cry

Words can sometimes/ make you die…


‘Tell me my love / will you die

But then I guess / so will I

Who goes first ? / + Who will cry?

Why do people/ have to die?’


Why do skies / cry every night?

Why won’t my eyes / see the light?

I am blind / but I am still right

Why did my love / have to die?


In the / innocence of child

I see ur spirit/ and ur smile

In our child’s/ tender soft touch

I feel you/ I long to clutch

The memory/ that you’ve become

We were two, now I am one.