You ainŐt strong


You ainŐt strong

You are just scared of being weak

So scared that you cannot keep

All that gives you strength

For fear of it being taken away

And you being left


Or looking weak

For all to see

But if you are afraid

And you donŐt open up

You lose all the moments

And the human touch

And all the love

That could have been yours


And know this too

That you aint strong

If you have to tell me

That I was wrong to think you not strong

If you have to tell me

That you are strong

Enough to get over me

Then you are not really strong

Only you want to be

If you are

Then why tell me?


Do you want assurance ?

Insurance ? Re-assurance

Sorry but the till is closed

And the checkout line is long

You will just have to wait your turn


You ainŐt strong

You are just scared of being weak

Scared that you might lose

All the things that you want to keep

People that might leave

Or people who might deceive

Or receive

Love and
